MicroTriggers are subtle, seemingly unimportant communications that matter to an individual. They can be words or behaviors, tone, inflection, or body language that may have been sent intentionally or unintentionally.
Today more than ever, people want to be inclusive and demonstrate that they value a broad range of people. But sometimes they don’t know how to do that, particularly with people who are different. Understanding MicroTriggers matters because it helps you to build better relationships. Even if you are working on macro issues, you may miss the smaller, more subtle issues that impede your ability to create deeply engaged, well-functioning, high-performing teams.
For more than 20 years, Ivy Planning Group has been conducting research into these subtle behaviors. Ivy’s work from the very beginning has been inclusive. The collection of data on subtle behaviors came from a mix of people across race, ethnicity, gender, age, gender identity, religion, function, and other dimensions of diversity.
Ivy Planning Group has compiled 58 common MicroTriggers that can have a big impact on our relationships. By sharing your MicroTriggers, you are signaling to your colleagues how you define respect and what’s important to you. That is a gift, because when positioned correctly, MicroTriggers will improve communication, interactions, morale, and productivity.